myoperam Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows
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Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows VanCrane  09/18/03 11:29 PM

_// смотреть:
...Please do not distribute the download link directly, but link to the post in opera.beta or in the Beta Testing forum..."

Changes since Beta 11:

* Display *

- Stability improvements:
* Fixed crash at _//
* Fixed crash at _//
* Fixed crash when using Windows Media Player
* Fixed crash at _// due to generated content in OBJECT
* Fixed freeze at _//
- Standards support improvements:
* Fixed some display issues with 'text-align: justify' text
* Fixed a problem with percentage values on absolutely positioned block level elements
- Fixed several "page never finishes loading" problems
- Fixed a long-standing problem where using a same-page anchor link would stop page loading
- Fixed an image border issue (seen at _// and _//
- Fixed a sticky pull-down menus issue at _//
- Fixed a problem at _// with ordering tickets
- Fixed an image distortion issue when resizing windows
- Fixed an image decode issue at
- Fixed a problem with content display when OBJECT/EMBED had both SRC and HREF attributes
- Fixed a fixed positioning issue in OperaShow

* ECMAScript/Javascript/DOM *

- Fixed first-line properties for getComputedStyle()
- Fixed an OnBlur/OnFocus issue which could lead to endless dialogs when navigating forms

* Keyboard/Mouse *

- PageUp/PageDown now work in the auto-complete drop-down window
- Mousewheel scrolling over Page bar buttons will now scroll the current page if it has focus
- Fixed an issue where doing a mouse gesture for the first time gives a dialog and popup at the same time. This may cause regressions, so please test extensively with gestures/mouse clicks

* Mail/News (M2) *

- ".,?!)" are now removed from the end of non-<URL: encapsulated URLs in text/plain messages
- Fixed a problem saving drafts
- Save Document As will now save a draft if focus is correct
- New Account Wizard now allows server:port for server names
- Default port will be used if the port given is "0"
- Fixed a problem where an authentication attempt was sent twice if the server reported -ERR for a CAPA-reported authentication method
- Fixed a problem where account name changes weren't reflected in the Hotlist
- Fixed display of multiple signature separators
- Fixed a problem where redirected messages with "Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable" would lose non-us-ascii characters

* Preferences *

- Middle click options are now available on the Mouse preferences page, as well as Shift-middle click
- "Show tooltips" preference moved to the Windows preferences page
- Fixed a problem where some items in the "system fixed" preferences file were ignored
- Fixed a problem where certificate installation failed (e.g. at Skandiabanken)
- Added more path variables that will expand environmental variables:
"User Prefs" "Skin Directory"
"User Prefs" "Button Set"
"User Prefs" "Language File"
"User Prefs" "Direct History File"
"User Prefs" "Global History File"
"User Prefs" "Viewer History File"
"User Prefs" "Button History File"
"User Prefs" "Javascript Warning History File"
"User Prefs" "URL Warning History File"
"User Prefs" "Local CSS File"
"User Prefs" "WML CSS File"
"User Prefs" "OPF CSS File"
"User Prefs" "CSR CSS File"
"User Prefs" "SSR CSS File"
"User Prefs" "Download Directory"
"User Prefs" "MIME Style File"
"User Prefs" "MIME Headers Style File"
"User Prefs" "Cache Style File"
"User Prefs" "Dir Style File"
"User Prefs" "Drives Style File"
"User Prefs" "History Style File"
"User Prefs" "IM Style File"
"User Prefs" "Plugins Style File"
"User Prefs" "About Style File"
"Local CSS files" *

* Transfers *

- New feature: Added "Remove all finished transfers" to Transfer menu
- Fixed a problem where the wrong File Types preferences were sometimes used for downloading files. Now, the action is generated from the information in this priority:
1) MIME type (potentially content-sniffed MIME-type if MIME type is unreliable)
2) Server-suggested file extension (from the Content-Disposition header)
3) URL file extension
- Fixed a problem where endless download dialogs appeared when trying to download a file (often experienced at Sourceforge)
- Fixed a command-line parameter problem when running downloaded files
- Make sure .tar.gz files aren't renamed to .tar.gz.tar if Content-Type is application/x-tar (.tgz and .gz are valid extensions
for x-tar as well)

* User Interface *

- Fixed crash when entering and leaving fullscreen with a floating Hotlist window
- Fixed adding of Latin access key letters for CJK, where those letters often showed up in the menus as "XXXX...(A)" instead of "XXXX(A)..."
- Fixed crash when closing a loading page
- Fixed an input synchronization issue with IMEs
- Fixed an inline find issue where matches occurred across block level elements
- No longer use "International fonts..." in dialog title
- Clean up install certificate dialog a bit (separate list for comments if available)

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Mongoose  09/18/03 11:42 PM

... и переводы от Мангуста для v7.20 beta 12
Русский перевод _//
Український переклад _//

Блин, это уже становится спортом каким-то. :-/

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Oper  09/19/03 05:23 AM

Та ни Це не спорт, просто их прэ

А вот меня не прэ - глючит также + исправлений, которых я ожидал (ошибки отображения на некоторых рашных сайтах) нету

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Mongoose  09/19/03 09:48 AM

А меня порадовала бетка. Иногда падала на одном моем ящике при удалении сообщения. Теперь все пучком.
Ну, циферок еще много. Глядишь, к Новому году какую-нить 40-ю бетку будем тестить.

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows VanCrane  09/19/03 01:12 PM

Точно, ни разу еще не упала - ИМХО гораздо стабильнее...

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Roland  09/19/03 08:17 PM

У меня кончились падения после удаления
сообщения с сервака

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/20/03 02:55 PM

Кажись опять заработала фильтрация

[Adv User Prefs]

URL Filter File=C:\Program Files\Opera\urls.ini

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Mongoose  09/20/03 05:49 PM

Хм. У меня прямо противоположный вопрос. почему это не работает? Вот например этот маленький баннер вверху этой страницы _//

... и продолжаем наблюдать этот баннер.

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/20/03 07:18 PM

Я обычно проверяю на _//
Там просто кишит страница хламом

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/20/03 09:43 PM

Ну "они" намудрили, или я......?


Пытаюсь прочитать подробности и скачать к примеру
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP2

в итоге страница не загружается

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/20/03 10:09 PM

Ну всё.
Надо качать очередную 13 бету и проверять в ней

Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/24/03 09:11 PM

Вобщем перемудрили они
Фильтрация глючит по чёрному

Если есть в

; mask


То может не загрузиться вся страница показывающяя баннер вверху


Re: Opera 7.20 Beta 12 for Windows Boris  09/24/03 09:15 PM

Кстати для тех кому не нравятся баннеры

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