myoperam Opera 7.50 Preview 3 (for Windows)
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Opera 7.50 Preview 3 (for Windows) Roland  03/09/04 06:28 PM

Все дружно заводим свои качалки (Флешгеты, Регеты, DM-ы и иже с ними...

Opera 7.50 Preview 3 for Windows available

Opera 7.50 Preview 3 for Windows is available for download. As usual, discuss the new version in opera.beta and in the Beta Testing forum. Please do not distribute the download link directly, but link to the post in opera.beta or in the Beta Testing forum.

Due to the experimental nature of this release, upgrading a previous Opera installation is not recommended. If you'd like to test your mail from 7.23 in this release, delete the \Opera\Mail\ folder, then copy your entire Mail folder from 7.23 to your 7.50 Preview 3 installation.

Download Preview 3: _// 3.7mb (build 3658)

=== Major New Features ===
* New - Chat File Transfer *
Opera Chat now has the ability to send and receive files from other chat clients. To initiate a transfer, right-click another user's nickname in the nick list and choose "Send file...". Transferred files will display in the Transfers panel/window with a green down arrow if they're downloads and a red up arrow if they're uploads.

* Manage Dialogs are Back! *
After a lot of valuable feedback, the Manage dialogs for Bookmarks, Contacts, Links, and History, as well as the Transfer window, are back. They can be accessed by their keyboard shortcuts or from the Tools menu. The maximized panels are still available too, and can be activated using their Ctrl+Shift+# (0 to 9) keyboard shortcuts or by double-clicking on the panel selector button.

* Drastically Improved Threading *
Threading of e-mail and newsgroup messages should be greatly improved with this release. There were some serious problems, especially when you started a thread.

* SDI Feels the Love *
SDI has received some much-needed attention. For instance, keyboard shortcuts for opening and closing pages and windows have been improved and windows close when you close the last page. It should be a much more comfortable experience for SDI users.

* Fixed Margin Collapsing Issues *
The display issues at have been fixed. Other web pages that had large gabs since 7.50 Preview 1 should also display better now.

* New - System Tray Icon *
For even better notification of new messages (and perhaps more later), Opera now has a system tray icon. When you receive new messages in the Unread view, it will change to an envelope. You can also focus or exit Opera from the icon's context menu.

* Better Message Selection *
Opera now does a better job displaying the message most relevant to you when you open a Mail view. Selected messages are also remembered across sessions, so you'll never again have to find the message you were looking at last time you used Opera.

A detailed list of changes is available at _//

Re: Opera 7.50 Preview 3 (for Windows) antqrt  03/09/04 07:58 PM

Всё лучше и лучше

?? The requested URL /tim/changel...0p3.html was not found on this server. Erelen  03/09/04 09:00 PM


А по Русски MAX  03/10/04 12:21 PM

Люди! Переводить гребаный английский не очень охота, да и времени нет вааааще! Может кто-нибудь захочет? Что замечательного появилось в Prewiev3?! Спасииибо!

Re: А по Русски Roland  03/10/04 02:27 PM

Ничего исторического и революционного.
Все по мелочи, даже и переводить не надо.

Re: А по Русски m1kky  03/13/04 01:08 AM

* New - System Tray Icon *
For even better notification of new messages (and perhaps more later), Opera now has a system tray icon. When you receive new messages in the Unread view, it will change to an envelope. You can also focus or exit Opera from the icon's context menu.
вотт тупость, иконку в трей засунули, а сама опера туда не сворачивается, хех, а контекстном меню иконки целых два пункта - ОТКРЫТЬ И ЗАКРЫТЬ оперу )... продолжаю пользовать ppro...

Re: А по Русски alexxx  03/13/04 04:17 PM

А в какой версии Опера будет открывать официальный сайт ОРТ ???

Re: А по Русски Ilya  03/13/04 08:18 PM

У меня открывает. Opera 7.50 P3 для Linux. - Home

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